Compassion Church of the Nazarene

In person or online Sundays:
9:00am & 10:30am

Compassion Church of the Nazarene is a family-friendly church centered around the mission statement, Love God. Love Others. Serve Both. We are passionate about helping people from all walks of life grow closer to the Lord and each other and we are doing our part to make our community a better place. The word compassion defines us because it is a part of our history as Nazarenes, it defines who we are and who we want to become. 

About Compassion Church

Planning to Visit?

We’re honored you would consider visiting us! Here are some details to get you started:

What to do when you pull in on Sunday morning

Be on the lookout for a friendly Compassion Church volunteer in an orange safety vest. Be sure to let them know that you are visiting and they’ll direct you to a parking space reserved for you. Head to the main entrance of the worship center or, if you have kids, proceed to the CompassionKids building. At either entrance, you’ll be greeted by a friendly volunteer who can help get you settled.

What does the worship service look like?

A worship service consists of 3-4 worship songs followed by a message. Our worship team plays many of the worship songs you might hear on contemporary Christian radio mixed with a few hymns. Typically a service is about 1.5 hours long.

Kids Programming
  • Nursery: Each Sunday morning service we have a fully staffed nursery to care for you children from birth to pre-k. All nursery caregivers must complete NazSafe training and complete a background check.
  • Compassion Kids: If you have children from pre-k to 5th grade we have kids programming available. The Compassion Kids building, connected to the main worship center, is home to our kids programming.
What is a Nazarene church?

The Church of the Nazarene is the largest denomination in the classical Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. The doctrine that the Church of the Nazarene and other Wesleyan denominations is known for is that of entire sanctification. Nazarenes believe that God calls Christians to a life of holy living that is marked by an act of God, cleansing the heart from original sin and filling the individual with love for God and humankind. Click here to read more about the Nazarene Denomination.

What to wear

Business Casual? Three piece suit? Vans? Cowboy Boots? The answer is yes. Because we are a family-friendly, multi generational church you can expect to see all kinds of outfits. Neons to pastels, you will be welcomed with a warm smile. 

Will you single me out as a new visitor?

Absolutely not. BUT, we’d love to meet you when you’re ready. If you choose, stop by our connect room after the service to chat with a pastor. Or, text the word, “CONNECT” to (434) 205-6525 to get in touch.

How to make friends at Compassion?

The best way to build relationships at Compassion is to stop by the connect room after one of our services. You can chat with a pastor who is ready to get you connected. Whether you want to serve in one of our ministries, join a life group, or attend a bible study, we’ll get you plugged in. Relationships are super important to us.

Differences in belief

The last thing we want is division so if you believe something different we won’t treat you any differently. Compassion church is a safe environment to explore God’s love. You will be respected and loved as our honored guest.

Compassion Church of the Nazarene Livestream 02/02/2025
Compassion Church of the Nazarene Livestream 02/02/2025

Recent Service


The "One"

February 2, 2025

Pastor Stephen Willis

Watch Now View All



You’ll quickly learn that we are passionate about people. We Love God. We Love others, and we serve both. We love families and we love the beauty of people of all walks of life coming together to worship God. In fact, if it weren’t for Jesus, you wouldn’t be reading this note right now.


In Christ,
Stephen Willis | Lead Pastor

My Story

Loving God Together

At Compassion Church we believe in providing discipleship opportunities for all ages. That’s why we strive to provide the following small group opportunities for you and your family to get connected. Click the button about the various groups we offer

Our Groups

Serving Both

At Compassion Church we believe that love for God and love for others compels us to serve. We are passionate about meeting the needs of our community in a practical way.

Learn more about Compassionate Ministries

Loving Others

At Compassion Church we have many opportunities for building Christ-centered community. Whether you would like to join a small group or attend one of our services, our desire is for wholistic community.