Other Ministries at Compassion

There are many other areas of service at Compassion. Whether you’d like to get involved with greeting people, singing or playing on the worship team, working with media and technology, and/or praying for the church there is a ministry area for you to get involved in.

Worship Ministry

The Compassion worship team serves our local church through music and other creative arts. We seek to remove barriers and help people respond to God in an authentic way. We practice every Thursday at 6:30pm.

Contact Pastor Mike Lyle for more details

Media and Technology

Help communicate the gospel message through technology at Compassion. This hands-on area of ministry includes web design, social media, graphic design, photography, filmmaking, sound mixing, and lyric presentation.

Contact Pastor Caleb Atkins for more details.

Hospitality and Greeting

Our goal is to make sure everyone who walks through our doors feels welcome and loved. That’s why it’s so important to have friendly and warm people who are passionate about hospitality. If you love connecting with people, this might be your area of service.

Contact Pastor Brad Robertson for more details.

  • Tuesday morning Men’s Prayer: Join with men of Compassion on Tuesday mornings at 6:30am. Men’s prayer meets in the cafe which is located in the Compassion Worship Center.
  • Saturday morning Prayer: join a group of dedicated prayer warriors in the prayer room every Saturday morning at 7:00am
  • Compassion Ministry Food Pantry Prayer team: Meeting at 8:30am in the cafe, the food pantry prayer team meets every Tuesday to pray about the ministry.