Celebrate Recovery Logo

Healing from your hurts, habits and hang ups

Celebrate Recovery at Compassion can help you find healing through our Christ-centered, 12-step ministry. With an emphasis on God’s power to transform our lives, a process for ongoing change, and the support of fellow sojourners in recovery, you can experience the freedom you have been looking for! 

This is not a “class”, so you are welcome to join us anytime you choose. We begin with music, followed by an inspiring and challenging message or a powerful testimony of a changed life. Gender specific open share groups follow.

CR Info

Wed. Night Schedule:

6:45PM – Celebrate Recovery’s Doors Open @ Compassion
7:30PM – Gender Specific Open Share Groups.  
8:30PM – Groups finish


1737 Wards Ferry Rd. 
Lynchburg, VA 24502
(Compassion Life Center) 
***Look for CR Flags***

We’d love to see you at our Weds. night meetings where CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.  Activities for kids & teens (5th-12th) available at Compassion during CR meetings. If you have any questions about this life-changing ministry, please feel free to contact us.

Learn More about Celebrate Recovery

Email Us for any questions regarding CR @ Compassion