At Compassion, we believe that discipleship is a journey of grace. That means we are a people on pilgrimage. However, we believe the old adage: The journey IS the destination. Our discipleship is not focused on arriving but on walking with the Holy Spirit.

We have noticed a few things that seem to be a part of everyone’s journey: a disciple learns, belongs, grows, and serves. We were not meant to walk alone, therefore, we have established groups for the purpose of walking together through these four aspects of the journey of grace.

  1. Bible Studies: A place to learn together (click here for a list of fall studies)
  2. Life Groups: A place to belong together
  3. I.D. Groups: A place to grow together
  4. Compassion Groups: a place to serve together

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Available Groups @ Compassion

Compassion Groups: A place to serve together

As we’ve stated, our journey of grace is a journey toward greater Christ-likeness. If we are to become like Jesus, we will learn to do the things Jesus did. In compassion groups, we remember that Jesus did not come to be served but to serve. Therefore, we learn to look for tangible ways to serve our communities. We long to live in Christian community for the sake of the community.

Click here to join a Compassion group

I.D. Groups: A place to grow together

In any journey, we travel farther when we travel together. For this journey of grace, we are moving toward greater Christ-likeness. I.D. Groups (Intentional Discipleship) groups are small groups of 2-3 people of the same gender with one leader/mentor who are committed to each other’s transformation through meeting together, praying together, and reading Scripture together. We need others to help us walk when we feel like we can go no farther. I.D. Groups run from September to May and then new I.D. Groups are placed in August!

Life Groups: A place to belong together

When we receive salvation, we are adopted into a new family. We not only belong to God, but we belong to a new family. A life group is a place to practice this belonging. It is a place to learn how to be accepted for who you are and how to accept others for who they are. Life groups are a predictable environment where people experience authentic, Christ-centered community. Enrollment for Life Groups is open in August and January.

Click here to join a Life group

Bible Studies: A place to learn together

We journey together with a long line of people who have walked with God. The story of discipleship reaches past Paul and Timothy to Moses and Joshua. The Scriptures reveal the long story of God forming a people for His redemptive purposes. Through Bible studies, we learn this story – the characters, the settings, the pitfalls, and God’s vision for creation.

Click here to join a Bible study

Prime Timers (50+)

“Prime Timers” defines the great group of mature adults who are joyfully committed believers consisting of adults who are (around 50 years and older, depending how young you feel!).

The “PT’ers” provide ministry in leadership, wisdom, service and enthusiasm in many areas of church life. They are devoted to our Lord and to the church. They are compassionate and caring, faithfully demonstrating God’s love toward all ages.

Meeting Opportunities:

  1. PT’ers meet once a month to enjoy fellowship, food, fun, prayer and inspiration at church or a local restaurant.
  2. Life Groups. We encourage all PT’ers to engage in these fellowship and Bible exploration offerings that meet once or twice a month.
  3. Excursions: Special life-enhancing excursions: such as “Sight and Sound”, Creation Museum, the Ark, Bible Museum, Billy Graham Museum and sight-seeing tours, to name a few.
  4. “Flying Solo” Gatherings: a ministry for all mature single adults (for those without spouses) that get together for support and encouragement. They meet on a “TBA” schedule!

How to get connected:

  1. Fill out a “Connect Card” to express interest found at our foyer kiosks.
  2. Call or text Gary Smith at 540-864-0481
  3. Email: